06 Nov

Link building in simple terms, is the process whereby you get other websites link back to your website. Link building is quite important for marketers and business owners since it drives referral traffic and increases the authority of a site. By building a link, you significantly increase the probability of your website to rank highly in the search engine results. Link building has proven to be quite effective for marketer's who wish to increase their brands' awareness.

Why Build Links

The algorithms of Google are complex and frequently evolve. However, back links remain a crucial aspect in how search engines decide which sites rank for which key words. Link building is quite essential for any SOE strategy. Link building is often used because links act as a signal to Google that your site is resourceful and is worth citing. Sites which have more backlinks apparently earn higher rankings, you can learn more about sites as such.

The Right Way to Link Built

There are may ways of building links, however San Jose SEO points out some are wrong while some are right. Someone can choose to buy links or get them through manipulative strategies. Manipulative tactics are also referred to as black-hat SEO. Building links through this tactic can lead to your site being banned from the search results. The only effective way to achieve long term viability for your site and business is natural link building.

However, natural or organic link building is a bit difficult and can consume a lot of time. Not all links have the same impact. Links from authoritative websites such as Forbes will definitely have bigger rankings impact compared to a small link or one that has just been built. However, its is difficult to come across high quality links. It is possible to build quality links that raise your organic rankings without necessarily defying guidelines as per Google.

Simple Strategies of Building Links

There are a number of strategies that you can use to get other websites link to yours.

  • Creation and Promotion of Content. You can build your link by creating compelling and unique content. People will always reference or link to your site if it has compelling content. After creating content, you need to promote it.
  • Reviews and Mentions. You also need to make your product or service available to influencers in your industry. Influencers usually have a large social media following.
  • Links from friends and acquaintances. You may also ask friends and people you know to link to your site.

These strategies can help you build your link more easily and in a relatively shorter time. Building links usually takes a lot of time, therefore, it requires patience. It is a point worth noting that getting links through tactics such as buying is not allowed by Google and can devastate your SOE. You are advised to refrain from such means.